Last update: 06/07/2015 | |  |
Personal Details |
Name | Mark Willem Verboom | |
Address | Meteorenweg 62
2743 LB Waddinxveen | |
Phone | Main : +31 182 64 00 16
Fax : +31 848 31 29 90
| |
Email |
| |
Instant messaging |
| Birthday | 30 october 1973 | |
Place of birth | Gouda | |
Nationality | Dutch | |
Marital status | Single | |
Languages | Dutch, English | |
Miscellaneous | Driverslicense A and B
Non smoking
| |
Recent experience (summary)
Avaya | ER86000, ERS4548, ERS4550, ERS3510 |
Cyclades | Alterpath ACS-48 |
Barracuda | SF300 |
Cyclades | Alterpath ACS-48 |
DEC | TL-90 |
Dell | PowerEdge (miscelaneous models), ML6000 tapelibrary |
F5 | BIG-IP 2000 |
IBM | X-Series 342, 345, 346 |
Infoblox | IB-1050-A,IB-550-A |
Juniper | SA2500, MAG2600 |
NetApp | FAS 2240A, FAS 2220A, FAS 3140, FAS 2050, FAS 270, FAS 920C (cluster), FAS 960, FAS 980C (cluster) |
Nortel | ERS8800, ERS5510, BPS2000, ES460 |
Silicon Graphics | O200, O2, PowerChallenge, Onxy, Indy, Indigo |
Sun | Ultra-10, Ultra-2, Ultra-250, V240, V440, Fire 880, A1000 storage, A5200 storage, D2 storage, 3310 storage, L100 tape jukebox |
Ubiquiti | UniFi AP, UniFi AP-LR, mFi |
Operating Systems
Checkpoint GAiA | R71,R76 |
Data Ontap | version 6.5, 7 and 8 in 7-mode |
Debian GNU/Linux | all versions (in combination with kernel 2.4, 2.6, 3 and 4) |
F5 | TMOS 11.6 |
Fedora Core | Version 5, 6 |
Fedora | Version 10, 11 |
Infoblox | NIOS 6 |
Juniper | Secure Access 6, 7 |
RedHat Enterprise Linux | Version 4, 5 and 6 |
Silicon Graphics Irix | version 4, 5 and 6 |
Sun Solaris | version 8, 9 and 10 |
Email | Openwave Intermail MX | version 5 and 6 |
| Exim | version 4 |
| MailScanner | version 4 |
| Spam Asassin | version 2 |
| Sendmail | version 8 |
Backup | Sun Solstice Backup (Legato Networker) | version 6, 7 and 8 |
Web | Apache HTTP server | version 1 and 2 |
| Bea WebLogic Server | version 4 |
| Squid | version 2 and 3 |
DNS | Bind | version 8 and 9 |
| Infoblox | |
Clustering | Veritas Cluster | version 4 |
Documentation | Twiki | version Beijing |
| Mediawiki | version 1.2 - 1.7 |
Management | Cricket | version 1 |
| Cacti | |
| Zenoss | version 2, 3 and 4 |
| NetApp Operationsmanager | |
| Nortel Devicemanager | |
| Ubiquiti Unifi | 2, 3 |
Firewall | Checkpoint Firewall-1 | version 4.1,R71,R76 |
| Linux IP pables | version for kernel 2.4, 2.6 and 3 |
| FWBuilder | 1 - 5 |
Virtualisation | Qemu/kvm | from version 0.91 till current |
| OpenVZ | |
| Proxmox | version 2 and 3 |
| VMWare Server | |
| User Mode Linux | version 2.6 |
| Solaris 10 zones | |
Employment history
Employer | Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands | |
| Period | Function | Work |
| 11/2014 - current | Unix and network administrator |
Company brand change from Dutch Space to Airbus Defence and Space.
Employer | Dutch Space | |
| Period | Function | Work |
| 02/2008 - 11/2014 | Unix and network administrator |
As an extra responsibility the administration of the company network.
Maintaining the core routers and switches, restructuring and improving the
network. For the move to our new building, a complete redesign of the whole
network with a high focus on redundancy and disaster recovery.
Implementation of the architecture for secure remote access. Migration from old NetApp filer to
new bigger model, including cross site data replication. Successfull execution of disaster recovery
test with basic service recovery within 1 day.
| 09/2006 - 02/2008 | Unix administrator |
Within the IT department responsible for the Unix systems (Solaris, Linux and
Irix), storage (Network Appliance), internet connection, firewall (Checkpoint
firewall-1) and applications within Dutch Space. Also working in projects,
giving advise, designing and implementing. Work includes the implementation
of an anti-spam solution (Barracuda), designing a safe remote access
architecture for external parties and internal people, restructuring systems,
server rooms, documentation and procedures. Technical fallback for all IT personel.
Employer | Essent Kabelcom | |
| Period | Function | Work |
| 01/2004 - 08/2006 | Coordinator Unix |
Promoted to Unix team coordinator of the team. Next to operations now also
responsible for planning, operational coordination and Unix infrastructure.
Operational administration of systems, designing of architectures and running
projects. Working directly with the project department for estimating task
times, planning of resources and steering at project progress
By introducing a resource planning for the team, the smoothnes of
implementation for projects has improved. The projectleaders now have a better
idea of who is doing what. Also the team members experience this as very
With the idea of introducing a wiki based documentation system, the technical
people got motivated to do documentation of systems and applications. This led
to good documentation that is actually being maintained.
By the inhouse development of a CMDB (configuration management database) the
important attributes of systems and applications have become centrally
available. Not only the unix administrators can now use this to estimate impact
when there is a problem, but also other departments can retrieve information
about the complete installbase. Additionally the CMDB allows the team to guide
onsite engineers to the location they have to be.
| 04/2003 - 12/2003 | Sr. Unix Administrator |
Responsible for the Unix infrastructure, front and backend systems within a
team of 8 Unix administrators. Operational administration of the systems and
rollout of projects. The system landscape consists of over 200 Sun Solaris
systems and more then 150 IBM Debian/Linux systems. Applications being used are
among others Openwave Intermail MX, Apache, Exim, Mailscanner, Legato Networker
and Bind. Working very directly with other operational departments like the
NOC, Application maintenance group and the Database Administrator
Worked within the team on designing, implementing and taking into production an
anti-virus and anti-spam system for the email service. Taking into account
scalability, being easy to maintain and delivering the correct
Optimizing the tftp software when there were performance
problems. A review of the sourcecode gave some indications of changes to be
made. These changes led to a performance increase of a factor 100, which allow
different processes within the company to work a lot faster and improve the
quality of service towards the customer.
Employer | Team Tux |
| Period | Function | Work |
| 04/2002 - 02/2003 | Part-time Unix and network consultant at Network Control |
Responsible for security, performance and architecture. Design systems (Debian
GNU/Linux), configure firewall's (Linux IPTables) and document procedures.
Giving third line support when there were large problems, allowing for quick
restoration of service to the customer. Helping optimize the situation, so the
problems could next time be solved without my help.
| 08/2001 - 03/2003 | Coordinator Unix at De Telegraaf |
Coordinate operations, plan changes, coordinate projects. Together with the
administrators design new infrastructures, make new technical solutions.
Optimze the infrastructure and operational tasks so the headcount could be
reduced from 14 to 4.
Participated in project to reduce the infrastructure costs by changing the
network infrastructure, migrate to 1 platform (linux) and optimize the
administraional tasks.
Technical and organisational role in the architecture sessions for the whole of
De Telegraaf.
| 12/2000 - 07/2001 | Unix administrator at @Home |
Management of Solaris, Irix and Linux systems for @Home Benelux.
Troubleshooting and maintaining of intermail, sendmail, typhoon and networker
software. Executing and planning projects, planning and executing changes,
knowledge transfer within the unix team and restructuring the Unix
| 09/2000 - 11/2000 | Software engineer at PSINet |
For PSINet Datacenter Netherlands creating the desgin, implemeting and
documenting a bandwidth monitoring system to create reports about customer
bandwith usage. Written in PHP with a PostgreSQL database as backend (both
running on Linux), scalable for the complete datacentre (over 90.000 systems).
| 08/2000 - 04/2001 | Unix administrator/architect at Rentashop |
Parttime trouleshooting, advising and coaching at Rentashop. Creating
procedures, writing support software and help with expanding their IT
infrastructure. Systems running Solaris, Irix and Linux and using applications
intershop, apache, networker and sendmail.
| 08/2000 | Unix administrator at Chello |
At Chello Broadband administration of a Sun server farm for the Amsterdam
region. These systems provide different services to the endusers, for example
email (Sun cluster with netscape mail), news (a number of inn based servers),
web (homepages and business servers and DNS.
Employer | Bueau Financiele Zaken Lunteren (BFZL) |
| Period | Function | Work |
| 06/2000 - 07/2000 | Software engineer |
Developed a number of applications for automating internal company processes.
All applications are based on PHP with a PostgreSQL database as a backend,
running on a Linux system. The first application maintains a user database and
assigns users rights which are coupled to the webserver and smb server, giving
them permissions to different pools of information. The second application
registers the deployment of mobile phones within the staff. The third
application keeps track of the number of free days the staff have left and how
many day's they called in sick.
| 05/2000 | Unix administrator/architect bij Rentashop |
At Rentashop giving advice on performance, security and administration of their
Unix servers. Planned, supervised and helped with the migration of the complete
serverpark to a new location.
| 05/2000 | Software engineer bij InterBox Internet |
Development of application in PHP for generating dynamic HTML code from a MySQL
database for a number of different custeromers (for example Dawidenko and
| 01/2000 and 03/2000 | Software engineer bij Planet Internet |
Added additional functionality and enhancing documentation for the IP
registration software at Planet Internet
| 12/1999 - 01/2000 | Unix administrator/architect |
Further fine-tuning of the interal infrastructure, optimizing the
administration of the servers and advising on the telecommunications
| 10/1999 - 11/1999 | Software engineer bij Planet Internet |
Development of an IP address registration system for the ADSL project at Planet
Internet. This system registers IP address space, assigns it to customers and
integrates with the existing provisioning system. The systems is written in C
with an Oracle database as backend.
| 08/1999 - 09/1999 | Unix administrator |
Migrating the existing Novell Netware based network to a Linux server based
network (with samba).
Employer | Unix Support Nederland |
| Period | Function | Work |
| 01/1997 - 08/1999 | Unix administrator at Fokker Space |
Administration (based on ITIL) of the Unix systems at Fokker Space (around 50
Sun and Sillicon Graphics systems, running Solaris 2.5.1, 2.6 and Irix 5.3 -
6.5). Administration of the Internet connection (leased line with Cisco
router), application administration of Checkpoint Firewall-1, Legato Networker
(serverside and the client side for all unix systems), DNS, Email (sendmail),
misc. web- and samba servers. Installation and troubleshooting of (technical)
problems for different engineering tools (Euclid, MSC Patran, MSC Nastran,
Ideas and Abaqus). Together with the SAP administrators performing software and
hadware upgrades and performance tuning. Advising on software development,
security and purchage of hard- and software.
| 11/1996 | Unix administrator |
Migration of the office network from Windows 3.11 to Windows NT 4.0, with a
central server based on SCO Unix and samba for file- and printservices.
| 05/1996 - 10/1996 | Intern |
A graduation assignment for building application for an intranet based on web
and unix technology, coupled to databases. Development of a central agenda
system and trouble-ticket registration system. Build a framework to develop new
application in, including documentation. For my graduation lecture I choose
firewall's as my subject.
| 05/1996 | Unix administrator |
Implementing UUCP on a number of HP/UX systems to let them automatically
exchange data between the different sites of VIR.
| 1996 | Part-time Unix administrator at Fokker Space |
Parttime systemadministration of Sillicon Graphics Systems for the ESF (Eurosom
Simulation Facilities) project at Fokker Space. Planning and executing hardware
and software upgrades, installing a number of linux systems, implementing a
backup system (including writing the software) and documenting configuration
data of all hardware and software.
| 07/1995 - 08/1995 | Unix administrator |
Seting up and administrating the office network. The network consists of a
central SCO Unix server and Windows 3.11 clients. They are coupled with to the
server with NFS. Setting up documentation for procedures and configurations of
the workstations and server.
| 1995 - 1996 | Part-time Unix administrator |
On-site support and troubleshooting for Unix systems at different companies
(SMRA and Casema).
| 08/1994 - 01/1995 | Intern |
As a school assignment modified and added functionality to Elm (email package
for Unix), development of email software (written in C, running under unix) for
the Philips P100 telephone and made an implementation plan for setting up an
Internet Service Provider.
Employer | Freelance |
| Period | Function | Work |
| 1994 - 1995 | Programmer |
Developed software in Turbo Pascal to process stock value's (BGO).
| 1993 | Programmer |
Development of Image in Z80 assembler (diskrecovery tool for MSX systems)
| 1991 - 1993 | Operator |
System operator of Bulletin Board System The Sun BBS. Specialized in
customizations of the BBS software and home made extentions on the software.
Project | Techno Challenge | |
| Period | Function | Work |
| 01/2008 - current | Volunteer |
In the Techno Challge project I help preparing the cars, consulting on the use of
technology and working with and explaining aout datalogging to the students attending
the project at Circuit Park Zandvoort. For the project I gave presentations on datalogging
to students attending the Jet-Net Universum Carreer Day in 2009.
Typing diploma (160 characters/minute) |
Driverslicense A and B |
ANWB drivers training |
Lotus drivers training |
Prodrive drivers training |
1st Lotus driving school |
Barefoot Shiatsu |
Cars, radio plays, computers, movies, photography.
Gradelist VWO
Gradelist Haagse Hogeschool
Reference USN
Reference Essent Kabelcom
This resume may only be used with explicit permission from the author.